Interview of ex-wife of Illuminati Colonel and Navy Seal exposing ALL !!
An overview of the Bilderberg Group - ´Global Elite´s ´ plans for the future.
Now things are really getting quite ridiculous. Whilst the TTIP meetings are going on in Brussels with the European representatives and the Bilderberger lobbyists, the US oligarks are having fun getting 'cleaned' in their exclusive summer camp of the Bohemian Grove,urinating on trees and enjoying simulated human sacrifices while hotting it up with hired-in male prostitutes earning them points with Lucifer.
And THESE are the same people who are going to create a New World Order for us?Have we ALL lost our senses completely? You don't believe it? All you need to do is what I did. Take a little time every day and do some 'googling' on the internet,using words like, Illuminati, Bilderberg, TTIP,TPP. After a while,you will see the whole outline of this enormous scam against the people of the world. Through the ´revolving door´ system described in the next article,you will see the government traitors all ready with pen in hand,ready to sign our democracy and human rights away.
I recommend you read these two books which explains it all: "Gods of Money" by F. William Engdahl, and "The Bohemian Grove" by Mark Dice. Both available from Kindle bookstore on the Internet.
The European Citizens’ Initiative “Stop TTIP” had reached a new record number of signatures a few days ahead of a critical vote on TTIP in the European Parliament. With 2 million signatories, this is the largest European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) since the introduction of the instrument in 2012. In order for an ECI to be successful, half this number would suffice. Moreover, Stop TTIP has collected the required minimum number of signatures in 14 EU Member States, double the amount needed to receive an official response from the European Commission and a hearing in the European Parliament.
Stop TTIP is carried out by an alliance of more than 470 civil society organisations – consumer watchdogs, environmental groups and trade unions – from right across Europe. Signature collection will continue until 6 October to increase political pressure further. The largest ECIs so far were “Water is a Human Right” (2013) and “One of Us” (2013) with 1.8 million signatures each. The European Commission had rejected Stop TTIP in autumn last year as an official ECI. The alliance is currently challenging this decision in the European Court of Justice and is meanwhile carrying out the ECI signature collection on a self-organised basis.